
Text editors

When writing code, the choice of text editor can have a significant impact on productivity and developer satisfaction. While using the default text editor of the operating system has its own benefits (specifically the lack of an explicit installation procure), usually it makes sense to switch to a more programming-friendly tool. In the following, a few of the many options are listed and discussed:

VS Code

Visual Studio Code is a modern open source editor with good support for Julia. While Juno had some better support in the past, the developers of Juno and the Julia VS Code plugin are joining forces and concentrating on VS Code since support of Atom has been suspended. Basically, all comments on Juno below also apply to VS Code.


If you are new to programming or do not have a preference for a text editor yet, Juno is a good choice for developing Julia code. It is based on Atom, a sophisticated and widely used editor for software developers, and is enhanced with several Julia-specific features. Furthermore and especially helpful for novice programmers, it has a MATLAB-like appearance with easy and interactive access to the current variables, the help system, and a debugger.

Vim or Emacs

Vim and Emacs are both very popular editors that work great with Julia. One of their advantages is that they are text editors without a GUI and as such are available for almost any operating system. They also are preinstalled on virtually all Unix-like systems. However, Vim and Emacs come with their own, steep learning curve if they have never been used before. Therefore, if in doubt, it is probably easier to get started with a classic GUI-based text editor (like VS Code with the Julia extension). If you decide to use Vim or Emacs, make sure that you install the corresponding Vim plugin julia-vim or Emacs major mode julia-emacs.

Releasing a new version of HOHQMesh

  • Check whether everything is okay, tests pass etc.
  • Set the new version number in Project.toml according to the Julian version of semver. Commit and push.
  • Comment @JuliaRegistrator register on the commit setting the version number.
  • JuliaRegistrator will create a PR with the new version in the General registry. Wait for it to be merged.
  • Increment the version number in Project.toml again with suffix -pre. For example, if you have released version v0.2.0, use v0.2.1-pre as new version number.

Preview the documentation

You can build the documentation of HOHQMesh.jl locally by running

julia --project=docs -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate(); include("docs/make.jl")'

from the HOHQMesh.jl main directory. Then, you can look at the html files generated in docs/build. For PRs triggered from branches inside the HOHQMesh.jl main repository previews of the new documentation are generated at, where XXX is the number of the PR. Note, this does not work for PRs from forks for security reasons (since anyone could otherwise push arbitrary stuff, including malicious code).