Tutorials for HOHQMesh.jl

The tutorial section for HOHQMesh.jl provides step-by-step commands and accompanying explanations for the major features of the interactive mesh generation tools.

For a general overview of the capabilities and features of HOHQMesh to generate quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes we refer to the Pre-made Examples of the HOHQMesh documentation.

For more information on how an unstructured mesh generated with HOHQMesh.jl can be used in the simulation framework Trixi.jl see the relevant tutorial.

Straight-sided outer boundary

This tutorial gives an introduction to the main functionality of the interactive meshing. In particular, adding a straight-sided bounding box for the outer domain and two circular inner boundary chains. It also demonstrates how to adjust some of the mesh parameters as well as the output mesh file format.


Demonstrates how to:

  • Query and adjust the RunParameters of a project.
  • Define a rectangular outer boundary and set the background grid.
  • Visualize an interactive mesh project.
  • Add circular inner boundary curves.

Curved outer boundary

This tutorial constructs an outer domain boundary using parametric equations. The background grid is then set and a preliminary mesh is generated. It highlights how a user can manually add a refinement region where necessary from this visual inspection.


Demonstrates how to:

  • Define a curved outer boundary using parametric equations.
  • Add and adjust the background grid.
  • Visualize an interactive mesh project.
  • Add manual refinement to a local region of the domain.

Spline curves

This tutorial constructs a circular outer domain and three inner boundary curves. Two of the inner curves are constructed using cubic splines and the third inner boundary is a triangular shape built from three straight line "curves".


Demonstrates how to:

  • Create a circular outer boundary curve.
  • Add the background grid when an outer boundary curve is present.
  • Visualize an interactive mesh project.
  • Construct and add parametric spline curves.
  • Construct and add an inner boundary chain of straight line segments.

Creating and editing curves

This tutorial demonstrates how to construct and edit curve segments defined in inner / outer boundary chains. A curve "chain" in the HOHQMesh context means a closed curve that is composed of an arbitrary number of pieces. Each curve segment of a chain can be a different curve type, e.g., a circular arc can connect to a spline that connects to a parametric equation curve. There are details for the removal and replacement of a portion of a chain.


Demonstrates how to:

  • Create and edit an outer boundary chain.
  • Create and edit an inner boundary chain.
  • Add the background grid when an outer boundary curve is present.
  • Visualize an interactive mesh project.
  • Discuss undo / redo capabilities.
  • Construct and add parametric spline curves.
  • Construct and add a curve from parametric equations.
  • Construct and add straight line segments.
  • Construct and add circular arc segments.

Symmetric mesh

This tutorial constructs a mesh given a closed chain of outer boundary curves that is then reflected over a straight line or several co-linear lines indicated by the user. The result is a mesh that is symmetric with respect to the prescribed straight line.


Demonstrates how to:

  • Indicate a symmetry boundary line.
  • Construct an outer boundary with several connected curves.
  • Add the background grid when an outer boundary curve is present.
  • Rename boundaries in an existing interactive mesh project.
  • Visualize an interactive mesh project.