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Appendix A: Summary of Boundary Curve Definitions

Defining a parametric equation:

     name = <name>
     xEqn = x(t) = <x-equation>
     yEqn = y(t) = <y-equation>
     zEqn = z(t) = 0.0

Defining a Spline:

   name = <name>
   nKnots = # of nodes
      t x y z

In one of the few cases where the order of keywords is important, the nKnots definition must precede the \begin{SPLINE_DATA} block.


    name = <name>
    file = <pathToDataFile>

The data file will have the number of nodes as the first line, followed by the data, e.g.

    0.000000000000000 -3.50000000000000  3.50000000000000 0.0
    3.846153846153846E-002 -3.20000000000000  5.00000000000 0.0
    7.692307692307693E-002 -2.00000000000000  6.00000000000 0.0
    0.769230769230769  0.000000000000000 -1.00000000000000 0.0
    0.807692307692308 -1.00000000000000 -1.00000000000000 0.0
    0.846153846153846 -2.00000000000000 -0.800000000000000 0.0
    0.884615384615385 -2.50000000000000  0.000000000000000 0.0
    0.923076923076923 -3.00000000000000  1.00000000000000 0.0
    1.00000000000000 -3.50000000000000  3.50000000000000 0.0

Defining a Straight Line:

    name   = <name>
    xStart = [x,y,0]
       xEnd   = [x,y,0]

Defining a Circular Arc:

    name         = <name>
    units    =degrees/radians(Optional.Default:radians)
    center   = [x,y,0]
       radius    = r
    start angle = Tstart
    end angle   = Tend

Chaining curves:

    name = <Chain Name>
    First curve definition
    Second curve definition
    Last curve definition

Appendix B: Summary of Model Definition Blocks

No inner boundaries:

        First curve definition
        Second curve definition
        Last curve definition

No outer boundaries:

        First chain definition
        Second chain definition
        Last chain definition

Both inner and outer boundaries:

        First curve definition
        Second curve definition
        Last curve definition
        First chain definition
        Second chain definition
        Last chain definition

Appendix C: Summary of the Control Block

The control block (required):


The run parameters (required):

  mesh file name   = <pathToMeshFile>
  plot file name   = <pathToPlotFile>
  stats file name  = <pathToStatsFile> **or** none
  mesh file format = ISM **or** ISM-v2
  polynomial order = Boundary polynomial order
  plot file format = skeleton **or** sem

To specify the background grid (required):

  background grid size = [x,y,0.0]

if there is an outer boundary curve in the model. If there is no outer boundary, just an implied box, then use

   x0 = [xLeft, yBottom, 0.0]
   dx = [dx, dy, 0.0]
   N  = [Nx,nY,0]

Smoothing is recommended (highly!)

  smoothing            = ON **or** OFF
  smoothing type       = LinearAndCrossbarSpring **or* LinearSpring
  number of iterations = typically 20-30

If manual local refinement is desired, include


with blocks of the types

      type = smooth **or** sharp
      x0   = [xCenter,-yCenter,0.0]
      h    = mesh size
      w    = radial extent

      type = smooth **or** sharp
      x0   = [xStart,yStart,0.0]
      x1   = [xEnd,yEnd,0.0]
      h    = mesh size
      w    = width of line

To generate 3D meshes, add an extrusion algorithm, either

  direction          = 1 (=x), 2 (=y), 3 (=z)
  height             = height of extrusion
  subdivisions       = how many elements in the extrusion direction
  start surface name = name of start surface
  end surface name   = name of end surface

or to sweep-rotate a 2D mesh,

  direction             = 1 (=x), 2 (=y), 3 (=z) = rotation axis
  rotation angle factor =  fraction of pi
  subdivisions          = number of elements in direction
  start surface name    = name of start surface
  end surface name      = name of end surface

or to sweep along a curve,

  algorithm                = Hanson (optional)
  subdivisions per segment = Subdivisions for each curve in sweep curve chain
  start surface name       = name of start surface
  end surface name         = name of end surface

For the sweep-curve, add the curve to the model:

    ... Curve chain ...

and if scaling along the sweep is desired, also add

    ... chain of PARAMETRIC_EQUATIONs

to the model.

If the SIMPLE_EXTRUSION is used, bottom topography can be optionally added to the model

    eqn = f(x,y) = some function of (x,y) as an equation
    sizing = ON /OR/ OFF

The sizing keyword is optional if no sizing along the topography is desired, or it can be turned Off for the same result.