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Building the Documentation

To generate the HOHQMesh documentation, you need a reasonably recent version of Python 3 and the mkdocs-material package. The latter can be installed via pip using

pip install mkdocs-material
which will also install all relevant dependencies. Note that on some systems (e.g., Ubuntu 20.04), mkdocs-material requires a minimum version of the dependent Jinja2 package that has a known bug. Please make sure that you have at least Jinja2 2.11 installed by checking the output of
pip show Jinja2
If it is too old, you can upgrade Jinja2 by running
pip install Jinja2 --upgrade

For local viewing, change to the directory where the mkdocs.yml file is located. Then execute

to prepare some Markdown files that are located out of the main documentation directory docs. Then, you have two options:

To view the documentation via the built-in webserver, execute

mkdocs serve
and follow the link printed to the terminal to open the documentation in your browser.

To generate a static set of files on disk, run

mkdocs build --no-directory-urls
and open the file site/index.html in your browser.

If, for some reason, you would like to download all images used in the documentation that are hosted on GitHub, you can automate this process by executing

This will download the GitHub-hosted images and save them in the current working directory. Note that the script will only consider images that have been added to it manually.