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HOHQMesh comes with 12 example control, mesh, and plot files for two-dimensional meshes found in the Examples/2D directory. These examples illustrate the use of the the control and model features, and the resulting meshes and plot files.

Also included in the Examples directory is a control template: ControlTemplate.control, that can (like any of the examples) be modified at will.

Name Description Outer Inner Chain Parametric Eqn Spline Line Arc Refinement Center Refinement Line
AllFeatures A triangle with three holes 3
CavityRamp A cavity domain with a sloping ramp on the exit side
Circles3 Three circles enclosed by a large circle 3
EllipseAndFourCircles Four circles enclosed by an ellipse 4
EastCoastUS A region of the US East Coast (From file)
GingerbreadMan Geometry with lots of holes 6
Half Circle A half circle
Indian Ocean Complex domain with islands and inlets 3
KT3Element Three element Karman-Trefftz airfoil 3
Lake Superior Complex domain with islands 2
NACA0012 Standard Airfoil geometry
Pill Oblong domain with interior circles 3
SplineGeometry Free form domain defined as a spline
Square Generation of a Cartesian mesh with no model
BoneAndMarrow Two embedded domains
PacMan A symmetric mesh

There are also ten three dimensional examples that illustrate the different extrusion algorithms in the Examples/3D directory

Name Description Algorithm Topography
BottomFromFile Extrusion of a rectangle SIMPLE_EXTRUSION (From file)
Box Extrusion of a square into a box. No Model SIMPLE_EXTRUSION
BoxRotated Rotation of a square about the x-axis. No Model SIMPLE_ROTATION
CavityRampExtruded Extrusion of the 2D CavityRamp SIMPLE_EXTRUSION
HalfCircleExtruded Extrusion of the 2D HalfCircle SIMPLE_EXTRUSION
HalfCircleRotated Rotation of the 2D half circle about the x-axis SIMPLE_ROTATION
MtStHelens Extrusion of a mountain topography in a rectangle SIMPLE_EXTRUSION (From file)
Pond Extrusion of a circle with topography and sizing SIMPLE_EXTRUSION
ScaledCylinder Sweeping of a circle with scale factor applied SWEEP_ALONG_CURVE
Snake Sweeping of a circle along multiple axes SWEEP_ALONG_CURVE