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Releasing a New Version

This document describes the necessary steps for creating a new HOHQMesh release. When following these guidelines, don't forget to replace 1.2.3 with the current release version of HOHQMesh, and 1.3.0 with the new release you are about to create.

Note: All steps as described here are assumed to be performed in a clean clone of the main branch. Otherwise the creation of the release tarball will fail!

Pre-release preparations

  1. Ensure that the current HOHQMesh commit on main has passed all tests on GitHub by verifying that there is a green checkmark behind the latest commit on
  2. Enter the HOHQMesh clone directory, switch to main, and pull the latest version from GitHub:
    cd HOHQMesh
    git checkout main
    git pull
  3. Ensure that the latest version of FTObjectLibrary is present in the Contrib directory by calling the bootstrap script:
  4. Get the latest HOHQMesh version tag by executing
    git tag --list 'v*' --sort -version:refname | head -n1
    This will yield something like v1.2.3, where 1.2.3 is the version number and the v prefix indicates that this is really a version tag.
  5. Compare this with the latest release on GitHub. If the version numbers of the latest tag and the latest release differ, investigate (and possibly fix it) before proceeding.
  6. Determine which kind of version increment is necessary based on the changes since the last release. We use semantic versioning, which states

    Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

    MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

To see all the changes since the last release, you can use GitHub's compare functionality by navigating to the following address, adjusting the version tag appropriately: If you prefer to work to work locally in a console, you can execute

git diff v1.2.3
Let's say that the changes require a minor version increment, thus the new release version following 1.2.3 would be 1.3.0.

Release creation

  1. Increment the version number in Source/HOHQMeshMain.f90. The current version in the file should be something like 1.2.4-pre, indicating that the main branch is in a pre-release state (as it should be during development). Change the pre-release version string to the new version number you determined above, e.g., to 1.3.0:
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: version           = "1.3.0"
  2. Commit and push to main (make sure to use your version number!):
    git add Source/HOHQMeshMain.f90
    git commit -m 'Increment version to v1.3.0'
    git push
  3. Ensure that you did not accidentally break anything and verify that there is a green checkmark behind the latest commit on
  4. Create a new release tarball by executing
    ./Utilities/createrelease 1.3.0
    where 1.3.0 again refers to the new release version (without the v prefix!). This will result in a new file HOHQMesh-v1.3.0.tar.gz in the current directory.
  5. Test the new release by executing
    FC=gfortran ./Utilities/testrelease HOHQMesh-v1.3.0.tar.gz
    Make sure you change the Fortran compiler executable to one suitable for your system by modifying the FC environment variable accordingly. If it fails, do not just change the files in your current directory! Instead, figure out why the tests fail, fix them, commit and push the changes and start over.
  6. Create a new annotated Git tag and push it to GitHub (make sure to include the v prefix and to use your version number both for the tag and the message!):
    git tag -a v1.3.0 -m "HOHQMesh v1.3.0"
    git push --tags
  7. Navigate to to start creating a new release.
  8. Enter v1.3.0 as the Tag version, which should find the Git tag you just created.
  9. Use HOHQMesh v1.3.0 as the Release title.
  10. Feel free to add more information about this release in the description field (optional).
  11. Attach the file you just created to the new release by dragging and dropping the tarball HOHQMesh-v1.3.0.tar.gz in the gray area below the release description.
  12. Click Publish release.

Post-release actions

  1. Increment the version number in Source/HOHQMeshMain.f90 to a pre-release version to indicate that the current content of the main branch does not necessarily reflect the files of an existing, tagged release. The pre-release version is generated by incrementing the current patch version and appending -pre. For example, if you just created the release 1.3.0, the next pre-release version would be 1.3.1-pre.
  2. Commit and push to main (make sure to use your version number!):
    git add Source/HOHQMeshMain.f90
    git commit -m 'Set development version to v1.3.1-pre'
    git push
  3. Consider updating the Spack package specifications.