Unstructured meshes and the DGMulti solver

Trixi.jl includes support for simplicial and tensor product meshes via the DGMulti solver type, which is based on the StartUpDG.jl package. DGMulti solvers also provide support for quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes, though this feature is currently restricted to Cartesian grids. On these line/quad/hex meshes, the DGMulti solver also allows to use all (finite domain) SBP derivative operators provided by SummationByPartsOperators.jl, including several finite difference SBP methods.

We make a few simplifying assumptions about supported meshes:

  • meshes consist of a single type of element
  • meshes are conforming (e.g., each face of an element is shared with at most one other element).
  • the geometric mapping from reference to physical elements is polynomial (currently, only affine mappings are supported).

StartUpDG.jl includes both simple uniform meshes via uniform_mesh, as well as support for triangular meshes constructed using Triangulate.jl, a wrapper around Jonathan Shewchuk's Triangle package.

The DGMulti solver type

Trixi.jl solvers on simplicial meshes use the DGMulti solver type, which allows users to specify element_type and approximation_type in addition to polydeg, surface_flux, surface_integral, and volume_integral.

DGMulti(; polydeg::Integer,

Here, element_type can be Tri(), Quad(), Tet(), or Hex(), and approximation_type can be

  • Polynomial(), which specifies a DG discretization using a polynomial basis using quadrature rules which are exact for degree 2 * polydeg integrands, or
  • SBP(), which specifies a DG discretization using multi-dimensional SBP operators. Types of SBP discretizations available include: SBP{Kubatko{LobattoFaceNodes}}() (the default choice), SBP{Kubatko{LegendreFaceNodes}}(), and SBP{Hicken}(). For polydeg = 1, ..., 4, the SBP{Kubatko{LegendreFaceNodes}}() SBP nodes are identical to the SBP nodes of Chen and Shu. More detailed descriptions of each SBP node set can be found in the StartUpDG.jl docs. Trixi.jl will also specialize certain parts of the solver based on the SBP approximation type.
  • a (periodic or non-periodic) derivative operator from SummationByPartsOperators.jl, usually constructed as D = derivative_operator(...). In this case, you do not need to pass a polydeg. Periodic derivative operators will only work with single-element meshes constructed using DGMultiMesh.

Additional options can also be specified through RefElemData_kwargs:

  • quad_rule_vol = quad_nodes(Tri(), Nq) will substitute in a volume quadrature rule of degree Nq instead of the default (which is a quadrature rule of degree polydeg). Here, a degree Nq rule will be exact for at least degree 2*Nq integrands (such that the mass matrix is integrated exactly). Quadrature rules of which exactly integrate degree Nq integrands may also be specified (for example, quad_rule_vol = StartUpDG.quad_nodes_tri(Nq) on triangles).
  • quad_rule_face = quad_nodes(Line(), Nq)) will use a face quadrature rule of degree Nq rather than the default. This rule is also exact for at least degree 2*Nq integrands.

The GaussSBP() approximation type on Quad() and Hex() meshes

When using VolumeIntegralFluxDifferencing on Quad() and Hex() meshes, one can also specify approximation_type = GaussSBP() to use an entropy stable Gauss collocation scheme. Here, GaussSBP() refers to "generalized" summation-by-parts operators (see for example Ranocha 2018 or Fernandez and Zingg 2015).

Unlike traditional SBP operators, generalized SBP operators are constructed from nodes which do not include boundary nodes (i.e., Gauss quadrature nodes as opposed to Gauss-Lobatto quadrature nodes). This makes the computation of interface fluxes slightly more expensive, but also usually results in a more accurate solution. Roughly speaking, an entropy stable Gauss collocation scheme will yield results similar to a modal entropy stable scheme using a Polynomial() approximation type, but will be more efficient at high orders of approximation.

Trixi.jl elixirs on simplicial and tensor product element meshes

Example elixirs with triangular, quadrilateral, and tetrahedral meshes can be found in the examples/dgmulti_2d/ and examples/dgmulti_3d/ folders. Some key elixirs to look at:

For developers

DGMultiMesh wrapper type

DGMulti meshes in Trixi.jl are represented using a DGMultiMesh{NDIMS, ...} type. This mesh type is assumed to have fields md::MeshData, which contains geometric terms derived from the mapping between the reference and physical elements, and boundary_faces, which contains a Dict of boundary segment names (symbols) and list of faces which lie on that boundary segment.

A DGMultiMesh can be constructed in several ways. For example, DGMultiMesh(dg::DGMulti) will return a Cartesian mesh on $[-1, 1]^d$ with element types specified by dg. DGMulti meshes can also be constructed by specifying a list of vertex coordinates vertex_coordinates_x, vertex_coordinates_y, vertex_coordinates_z and a connectivity matrix EToV where EToV[e,:] gives the vertices which correspond to element e. These quantities are available from most unstructured mesh generators.

Initial support for curved DGMultiMeshes is available for flux differencing solvers using SBP and GaussSBP approximation types on quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes. These can be called by specifying mesh = DGMultiMesh(dg, cells_per_dimension, mapping), where mapping is a function which specifies the warping of the mesh (e.g., mapping(xi, eta) = SVector{2}(xi, eta) is the identity mapping) similar to the mapping argument used by StructuredMesh.

Variable naming conventions

We use the convention that coordinates on the reference element are $r$ in 1D, $r, s$ in 2D, or $r, s, t$ in 3D. Physical coordinates use the standard conventions $x$ (1D), $x, y$ (2D), and $x, y, z$ (3D).

"Ref-to-physical mapping"

Derivatives of reference coordinates with respect to physical coordinates are abbreviated, e.g., $\frac{\partial r}{\partial x} = r_x$. Additionally, $J$ is used to denote the determinant of the Jacobian of the reference-to-physical mapping.

Variable meanings and conventions in StartUpDG.jl

StartUpDG.jl exports structs RefElemData{NDIMS, ElemShape, ...} (which contains data associated with the reference element, such as interpolation points, quadrature rules, face nodes, normals, and differentiation/interpolation/projection matrices) and MeshData{NDIMS} (which contains geometric data associated with a mesh). These are currently used for evaluating DG formulations in a matrix-free fashion. These structs contain fields similar (but not identical) to those in Globals1D, Globals2D, Globals3D in the Matlab codes from "Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Methods" by Hesthaven and Warburton (2007).

In general, we use the following code conventions:

  • variables such as r, s,... and x, y,... correspond to values at nodal interpolation points.
  • variables ending in q (e.g., rq, sq,... and xq, yq,...) correspond to values at volume quadrature points.
  • variables ending in f (e.g., rf, sf,... and xf, yf,...) correspond to values at face quadrature points.
  • variables ending in p (e.g., rp, sp,...) correspond to "plotting" points, which are usually a fine grid of equispaced points.
  • V matrices correspond to interpolation matrices from nodal interpolation points, e.g., Vq interpolates to volume quadrature points, Vf interpolates to face quadrature points.
  • geometric quantities in MeshData are stored as matrices of dimension $\text{number of points per element} \times \text{number of elements}$.

Quantities in rd::RefElemData:

  • rd.Np, rd.Nq, rd.Nf: the number of nodal interpolation points, volume quadrature points, and face quadrature points on the reference element, respectively.
  • rd.Vq: interpolation matrices from values at nodal interpolation points to volume quadrature points
  • rd.wq: volume quadrature weights on the reference element
  • rd.Vf: interpolation matrices from values at nodal interpolation points to face quadrature points
  • rd.wf: a vector containing face quadrature weights on the reference element
  • rd.M: the quadrature-based mass matrix, computed via rd.Vq' * diagm(rd.wq) * rd.Vq.
  • rd.Pq: a quadrature-based $L^2$ projection matrix rd.Pq = rd.M \ rd.Vq' * diagm(rd.wq) which maps between values at quadrature points and values at nodal points.
  • Dr, Ds, Dt matrices are nodal differentiation matrices with respect to the $r,s,t$ coordinates, e.g., Dr*f.(r,s) approximates the derivative of $f(r,s)$ at nodal points.

Quantities in md::MeshData:

  • md.xyz is a tuple of matrices md.x, md.y, md.z, where column e contains coordinates of physical interpolation points.
  • md.xyzq is a tuple of matrices md.xq, md.yq, md.zq, where column e contains coordinates of physical quadrature points.
  • md.rxJ, md.sxJ, ... are matrices where column e contains values of $J\frac{\partial r}{\partial x}$, $J\frac{\partial s}{\partial x}$, etc. at nodal interpolation points on the element e.
  • md.J is a matrix where column e contains values of the Jacobian $J$ at nodal interpolation points.
  • md.Jf is a matrix where column e contains values of the face Jacobian (e.g., determinant of the geometric mapping between a physical face and a reference face) at face quadrature points.
  • md.nxJ, md.nyJ, ... are matrices where column e contains values of components of the unit normal scaled by the face Jacobian md.Jf at face quadrature points.

For more details, please see the StartUpDG.jl docs.