Trixi2Vtk.jl API

          format=:vtu, verbose=false, hide_progress=false, pvd=nothing,
          output_directory=".", nvisnodes=nothing, save_celldata=true,
          reinterpolate=true, data_is_uniform=false)

Convert Trixi-generated output files to VTK files (VTU or VTI).


  • filename: One or more Trixi solution/restart/mesh files to convert to a VTK file. Filenames support file globbing, e.g., "solution*" to match all files starting with solution.
  • format: Output format for solution/restart files. Can be 'vtu' or 'vti'.
  • verbose: Set to true to enable verbose output.
  • hide_progress: Hide progress bar (will be hidden automatically if verbose is true).
  • pvd: Use this filename to store PVD file (instead of auto-detecting name). Note that only the name will be used (directory and file extension are ignored).
  • output_directory: Output directory where generated files are stored.
  • nvisnodes: Number of visualization nodes per element. (default: number of DG nodes for StructuredMesh or UnstructuredMesh2D, twice the number of DG nodes for TreeMesh). A value of 0 (zero) uses the number of nodes in the DG elements.
  • save_celldata: Boolean value to determine if cell-based data should be saved. (default: true)
  • reinterpolate: Boolean value to determine if data should be reinterpolated onto uniform points. When false the raw data at the compute nodes is copied into the appropriate format. (default: true)
  • data_is_uniform: Boolean to indicate if the data to be converted is from a finite difference method on a uniform grid of points. (default: false)


julia> trixi2vtk("out/solution_000*.h5")