using TrixiParticles
using OrdinaryDiffEq
# ==========================================================================================
# ==== Resolution
n_particles_y = 5
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# ==== Experiment Setup
gravity = 2.0
tspan = (0.0, 5.0)
elastic_beam = (length=0.35, thickness=0.02)
material = (density=1000.0, E=1.4e6, nu=0.4)
clamp_radius = 0.05
# The structure starts at the position of the first particle and ends
# at the position of the last particle.
particle_spacing = elastic_beam.thickness / (n_particles_y - 1)
# Add particle_spacing/2 to the clamp_radius to ensure that particles are also placed on the radius
fixed_particles = SphereShape(particle_spacing, clamp_radius + particle_spacing / 2,
(0.0, elastic_beam.thickness / 2), material.density,
cutout_min=(0.0, 0.0),
cutout_max=(clamp_radius, elastic_beam.thickness),
n_particles_clamp_x = round(Int, clamp_radius / particle_spacing)
# Beam and clamped particles
n_particles_per_dimension = (round(Int, elastic_beam.length / particle_spacing) +
n_particles_clamp_x + 1, n_particles_y)
# Note that the `RectangularShape` puts the first particle half a particle spacing away
# from the boundary, which is correct for fluids, but not for solids.
# We therefore need to pass `tlsph=true`.
beam = RectangularShape(particle_spacing, n_particles_per_dimension,
(0.0, 0.0), density=material.density, tlsph=true)
solid = union(beam, fixed_particles)
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# ==== Solid
# The kernel in the reference uses a differently scaled smoothing length,
# so this is equivalent to the smoothing length of `sqrt(2) * particle_spacing` used in the paper.
smoothing_length = 2 * sqrt(2) * particle_spacing
smoothing_kernel = WendlandC2Kernel{2}()
solid_system = TotalLagrangianSPHSystem(solid, smoothing_kernel, smoothing_length,
acceleration=(0.0, -gravity),
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# ==== Simulation
semi = Semidiscretization(solid_system,
ode = semidiscretize(semi, tspan, data_type=nothing)
info_callback = InfoCallback(interval=100)
# Track the position of the particle in the middle of the tip of the beam.
middle_particle_id = Int(n_particles_per_dimension[1] * (n_particles_per_dimension[2] + 1) /
startposition_x = beam.coordinates[1, middle_particle_id]
startposition_y = beam.coordinates[2, middle_particle_id]
function deflection_x(v, u, t, system)
return system.current_coordinates[1, middle_particle_id] - startposition_x
function deflection_y(v, u, t, system)
return system.current_coordinates[2, middle_particle_id] - startposition_y
saving_callback = SolutionSavingCallback(dt=0.02, prefix="",
callbacks = CallbackSet(info_callback, saving_callback)
# Use a Runge-Kutta method with automatic (error based) time step size control
sol = solve(ode, RDPK3SpFSAL49(), save_everystep=false, callback=callbacks);