Typedefs | Functions
trixi.h File Reference

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typedef struct t8_forest * t8_forest_t


void trixi_initialize (const char *project_directory, const char *depot_path)
 Initialize Julia runtime environment. More...
void trixi_finalize ()
 Finalize Julia runtime environment. More...
int trixi_version_library_major ()
 Return major version number of libtrixi. More...
int trixi_version_library_minor ()
 Return minor version number of libtrixi. More...
int trixi_version_library_patch ()
 Return patch version number of libtrixi. More...
const char * trixi_version_library ()
 Return full version string of libtrixi. More...
const char * trixi_version_julia ()
 Return name and version of loaded Julia packages LibTrixi directly depends on. More...
const char * trixi_version_julia_extended ()
 Return name and version of all loaded Julia packages. More...
int trixi_initialize_simulation (const char *libelixir)
 Set up Trixi simulation. More...
void trixi_finalize_simulation (int handle)
 Finalize simulation. More...
int trixi_is_finished (int handle)
 Check if simulation is finished. More...
void trixi_step (int handle)
 Perform next simulation step. More...
int trixi_ndims (int handle)
 Return number of spatial dimensions. More...
int trixi_nelements (int handle)
 Return number of local elements. More...
int trixi_nelementsglobal (int handle)
 Return global number of elements. More...
int trixi_ndofs (int handle)
 Return number of local degrees of freedom. More...
int trixi_ndofsglobal (int handle)
 Return global number of degrees of freedom. More...
int trixi_ndofselement (int handle)
 Return number of degrees of freedom per element. More...
int trixi_nvariables (int handle)
 Return number of (conservative) variables. More...
int trixi_nnodes (int handle)
 Return number of quadrature nodes per dimension. More...
double trixi_calculate_dt (int handle)
 Get time step length. More...
double trixi_get_simulation_time (int handle)
 Return current physical time. More...
void trixi_load_node_reference_coordinates (int handle, double *node_coords)
 Get reference coordinates of 1D quadrature nodes. More...
void trixi_load_node_weights (int handle, double *node_weights)
 Get weights of 1D quadrature nodes. More...
void trixi_load_primitive_vars (int handle, int variable_id, double *data)
 Load primitive variable. More...
void trixi_load_element_averaged_primitive_vars (int handle, int variable_id, double *data)
 Load element averages for primitive variable. More...
void trixi_register_data (int handle, int index, int size, const double *data)
 Store data vector in current simulation's registry. More...
t8_forest_t trixi_get_t8code_forest (int handle)
void trixi_eval_julia (const char *code)
 Execute Julia code. More...