Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
add | FTLinkedListClass | Subroutine | |
addDoublePrecisionValueForKey | FTValueDictionaryClass | Subroutine | |
addIntegerValueForKey | FTValueDictionaryClass | Subroutine | |
addLogicalValueForKey | FTValueDictionaryClass | Subroutine | |
addObjectForKey | FTDictionaryClass | Subroutine | |
addObjectsFromList | FTLinkedListClass | Subroutine | |
addObjectToArray | FTMutableObjectArrayClass | Subroutine | Add an object to the end of the array |
addObjectToMultiIndexTableForKeys | FTMultiIndexTableClass | Subroutine | |
addObjectToSparseMatrixForKeys | FTSparseMatrixClass | Subroutine | |
addQuadValueForKey | FTValueDictionaryClass | Subroutine | |
addRealValueForKey | FTValueDictionaryClass | Subroutine | |
AddString | FTStringSetClass | Subroutine | AddString adds a string to the set if it is not already present |
addStringValueForKey | FTValueDictionaryClass | Subroutine | |
AllKeys | FTDictionaryClass | Function | |
allLinkedListObjects | FTLinkedListClass | Function | |
AllObjects | FTDictionaryClass | Function | |
allocatedSize | FTMutableObjectArrayClass | Function | |
arrayClassName | FTMutableObjectArrayClass | Function | Class name returns a string with the name of the type of the object |
assertWithinToleranceTwoQuad | FTAssertions | Subroutine | |
b3hs_hash_key_jenkins | HashModule | Function | |
cast | FTLinkedListClass | Interface | |
cast | FTSparseMatrixData | Interface | |
cast | FTMultiIndexTableData | Interface | |
cast | FTExceptionClass | Interface | |
cast | FTDictionaryClass | Interface | |
cast | FTMutableObjectArrayClass | Interface | |
cast | FTValueClass | Interface | |
castDictionaryToValueDictionary | FTValueDictionaryClass | Subroutine | |
castObjectToLinkedList | FTLinkedListClass | Subroutine | |
castObjectToMatrixData | FTSparseMatrixData | Subroutine | |
castObjectToMultiIndexMatrixData | FTMultiIndexTableData | Subroutine | |
castObjectToValueDictionary | FTValueDictionaryClass | Subroutine | |
castToDictionary | FTDictionaryClass | Subroutine | |
castToException | FTExceptionClass | Subroutine | Cast the base class FTObject to the FTException class |
castToMutableObjectArray | FTMutableObjectArrayClass | Subroutine | |
castToValue | FTValueClass | Subroutine | Generic Name: cast |
catch | SharedExceptionManagerModule | Interface | |
chunkSize | FTMutableObjectArrayClass | Function | Returns the number of items to be added when the array needs to be re-sized |
className | FTObjectClass | Function | Class name returns a string with the name of the type of the object |
containsKey | FTDictionaryClass | Function | |
containsString | FTStringSetClass | Function | containsString returns .TRUE. if the set contains the string, .FALSE. otherwise. |
COUNT | FTDictionaryClass | Function | |
dataClassName | FTDataClass | Function | Class name returns a string with the name of the type of the object |
dataFromObject | FTDataClass | Function | |
dataIsOfType | FTDataClass | Function | |
destructData | FTDataClass | Subroutine | |
destructException | FTExceptionClass | Subroutine | The destructor for the class. Do not call this directly. Call the release() procedure instead |
destructFTDictionary | FTDictionaryClass | Subroutine | |
destructFTExceptions | SharedExceptionManagerModule | Subroutine | Called at the end of execution. This procedure will announce if there are uncaught exceptions raised and print them. |
destructFTKeyObjectPair | FTKeyObjectPairClass | Subroutine | |
destructFTLinkedList | FTLinkedListClass | Subroutine | It is automatically called by release(). |
destructFTLinkedListRecord | FTLinkedListRecordClass | Subroutine | |
destructFTObject | FTObjectClass | Subroutine | Generic Name: destruct() |
destructFTStringSet | FTStringSetClass | Subroutine | Destructor for the class. This is called automatically when the reference count reaches zero. Do not call this yourself on pointers |
destructIterator | FTLinkedListIteratorClass | Subroutine | |
destructMatrixData | FTSparseMatrixData | Subroutine | |
destructMultiIndexMatrixData | FTMultiIndexTableData | Subroutine | |
destructMultiIndexTable | FTMultiIndexTableClass | Subroutine | |
destructObjectArray | FTMutableObjectArrayClass | Subroutine | Destructor for the class. This is called automatically when the reference count reaches zero. Do not call this yourself. |
destructSparseMatrix | FTSparseMatrixClass | Subroutine | |
destructValue | FTValueClass | Subroutine | Public, generic name: destruct() |
detachSharedAssertionsManager | FTAssertions | Subroutine | |
dictionaryClassName | FTDictionaryClass | Function | Class name returns a string with the name of the type of the object |
dictionaryFromObject | FTDictionaryClass | Function | |
doublePrecisionValue | FTValueClass | Function | Get the double precision value stored in the object, or convert the value in the object to a double precision if it is of a different type. |
doublePrecisionValueForKey | FTValueDictionaryClass | Function | |
errorCount | SharedExceptionManagerModule | Function | Returns the number of exceptions that have been thrown. |
errorObject | SharedExceptionManagerModule | Function | Returns a pointer to the current exception. |
exceptionClassName | FTExceptionClass | Function | Class name returns a string with the name of the type of the object |
exceptionFromObject | FTExceptionClass | Function | |
exceptionName | FTExceptionClass | Function | Returns the string representing the name set for the exception. |
finalizeSharedAssertionsManager | FTAssertions | Subroutine | |
FTAssert | FTAssertions | Subroutine | |
FTAssertEqual | FTAssertions | Interface | |
FTDictionaryDescription | FTDictionaryClass | Function | |
FTKeyObjectPairDescription | FTKeyObjectPairClass | Function | |
FTLinkedListCurrentRecord | FTLinkedListIteratorClass | Function | |
FTLinkedListDescription | FTLinkedListClass | Function | |
FTLinkedListIsAtEnd | FTLinkedListIteratorClass | Function | |
FTLinkedListObject | FTLinkedListIteratorClass | Function | |
FTObjectDescription | FTObjectClass | Function | Returns a character string of length DESCRIPTION_CHARACTER_LENGTH that represents the object. the base class implementation returns an empty string. Note that if the description is too long, the expected string will be truncated. In general, one wants to use printDescription. |
FTStringSetClassName | FTStringSetClass | Function | Class name returns a string with the name of the type of the object |
FTStringSetFromObject | FTStringSetClass | Function | Generic Name: cast |
FTValueDescription | FTValueClass | Function | Returns the description of the value. In this case, it returns the stringValue() of the object. |
Hash1 | FTSparseMatrixClass | Function | |
Hash2 | FTSparseMatrixClass | Function | |
infoDictionary | FTExceptionClass | Function | Returns the exception's infoDictionary. Does not transfer ownership/reference count is unchanged. |
init | FTDictionaryClass | Subroutine | |
initAssertionFailureException | FTExceptionClass | Subroutine | A convenience initializer for an assertion error that includes the keys: |
initEmpty | FTLinkedListIteratorClass | Subroutine | |
initFatalException | FTExceptionClass | Subroutine | A convenience initializer for a fatal error that includes the key "message" in the infoDictionary.Use this initializer as an example of how to write one's own exception. |
initFTException | FTExceptionClass | Subroutine | The main initializer for the class |
initFTLinkedList | FTLinkedListClass | Subroutine | |
initFTObject | FTObjectClass | Subroutine | Generic Name: init() |
initFTStack | FTStackClass | Subroutine | Public, generic name: init() |
initFTStringSet | FTStringSetClass | Subroutine | Designated initializer. Initializes the amount of storage, but the FTStringSet remains empty. |
initializeFTExceptions | SharedExceptionManagerModule | Subroutine | Called at start of execution. Will be called automatically if an exception is thrown. |
initializeSharedAssertionsManager | FTAssertions | Subroutine | |
initMultiIndexTableWithSize | FTMultiIndexTableClass | Subroutine | |
initObjectArrayWithSize | FTMutableObjectArrayClass | Subroutine | Designated initializer. Initializes the amount of storage, but the array remains empty. |
initSparseMatrixWithSize | FTSparseMatrixClass | Subroutine | |
initWarningException | FTExceptionClass | Subroutine | A convenience initializer for a warning error that includes the key "message" in the infoDictionary. Use this initializer as an example of how to write one's own exception. |
initWithDataOfType | FTDataClass | Subroutine | |
initWithDoublePrecision | FTValueClass | Subroutine | Public, generic name: initwithValue() |
initWithFTLinkedList | FTLinkedListIteratorClass | Subroutine | |
initWithInteger | FTValueClass | Subroutine | Public, generic name: initwithValue() |
initWithLogical | FTValueClass | Subroutine | Public, generic name: initwithValue() |
initWithObject | FTLinkedListRecordClass | Subroutine | |
initWithObjectAndKey | FTSparseMatrixData | Subroutine | |
initWithObjectAndKey | FTKeyObjectPairClass | Subroutine | |
initWithObjectAndKeys | FTMultiIndexTableData | Subroutine | |
initWithQuad | FTValueClass | Subroutine | Public, generic name: initwithValue() |
initWithReal | FTValueClass | Subroutine | Public, generic name: initwithValue() |
initWithSize | FTDictionaryClass | Subroutine | |
initWithString | FTValueClass | Subroutine | Public, generic name: initwithValue() |
initWithStrings | FTStringSetClass | Subroutine | initializer. Initializes the amount of storage from the strings passed Usage CLASS(FTStringSet) :: FTStringSet CHARACTER(LEN=) :: strings(:) CALL FTStringSet % initWithStrings(strings) |
insertObjectAfterObject | FTLinkedListClass | Subroutine | |
insertObjectAfterRecord | FTLinkedListClass | Subroutine | |
integerValue | FTValueClass | Function | Get the integer value stored in the object, or convert the value in the object to an integer if it is of a different type. |
integerValueForKey | FTValueDictionaryClass | Function | |
intersectionWithSet | FTStringSetClass | Function | intersectionWithSet returns a pointer to a new set that is the intersection of two sets. the new set has reference count of 1. Release when done. |
isCircular | FTLinkedListClass | Function | |
isEmpty | FTStringSetClass | Function | |
isEqual | ComparisonsModule | Interface | |
isFalse | ComparisonsModule | Function | |
isTrue | ComparisonsModule | Function | |
isUnreferenced | FTObjectClass | Function | Owners of objects should call isUnreferenced after releasing a pointer object. If true, the object should be deallocated and then set to point to NULL() |
key | FTKeyObjectPairClass | Function | |
keysMatch | FTMultiIndexTableClass | Function | |
linkedListClassName | FTLinkedListClass | Function | Class name returns a string with the name of the type of the object |
linkedListFromObject | FTLinkedListClass | Function | |
linkedListIteratorClassName | FTLinkedListIteratorClass | Function | Class name returns a string with the name of the type of the object |
llRecordClassName | FTLinkedListRecordClass | Function | Class name returns a string with the name of the type of the object |
logicalValue | FTValueClass | Function | Get the logical value stored in the object, or convert the value in the object to a logical if it is of a different type. |
logicalValueForKey | FTValueDictionaryClass | Function | |
makeCircular | FTLinkedListClass | Subroutine | |
matrixDataCast | FTSparseMatrixData | Function | |
maximumErrorSeverity | SharedExceptionManagerModule | Function | Returns the maxSeverity of exceptions that have been thrown. |
moveToNext | FTLinkedListIteratorClass | Subroutine | |
MultiIndexMatrixDataCast | FTMultiIndexTableData | Function | |
MultiIndexTableContainsKeys | FTMultiIndexTableClass | Function | |
MultiIndexTableFromObject | FTMultiIndexTableClass | Function | |
MultiIndexTableSize | FTMultiIndexTableClass | Function | |
numberOfAssertionFailures | FTAssertions | Function | |
numberOfAssertions | FTAssertions | Function | |
numberOfItems | FTMutableObjectArrayClass | Function | Generic name: count |
numberOfRecords | FTLinkedListClass | Function | |
object | FTKeyObjectPairClass | Function | |
objectArrayFromObject | FTMutableObjectArrayClass | Function | Generic Name: cast |
objectAtIndex | FTMutableObjectArrayClass | Function | Access the object at the index indx |
objectForKey | FTDictionaryClass | Function | |
objectInMultiIndexTableForKeys | FTMultiIndexTableClass | Function | |
objectInSparseMatrixForKeys | FTSparseMatrixClass | Function | |
peek | FTStackClass | Function | |
peekLastException | SharedExceptionManagerModule | Function | Get the last exception posted. This is NOT popped from the stack. The caller does not own the object. |
pop | FTStackClass | Subroutine | |
popLastException | SharedExceptionManagerModule | Function | Get the last exception posted. This is popped from the stack. The caller is responsible for releasing the object after popping |
printAllExceptions | SharedExceptionManagerModule | Subroutine | |
printArray | FTMutableObjectArrayClass | Subroutine | |
printFTDictionaryDescription | FTDictionaryClass | Subroutine | |
printFTExceptionDescription | FTExceptionClass | Subroutine | A basic printing of the exception and the info held in the infoDictionary. |
printFTKeyObjectPairDescription | FTKeyObjectPairClass | Subroutine | |
printFTLinkedListDescription | FTLinkedListClass | Subroutine | |
printFTLinkedRecordDescription | FTLinkedListRecordClass | Subroutine | |
printFTObjectDescription | FTObjectClass | Subroutine | Generic Name: printDescription() |
printFTStringSet | FTStringSetClass | Subroutine | |
printMultiIndexTableDescription | FTMultiIndexTableClass | Subroutine | |
printStackDescription | FTStackClass | Subroutine | |
printValueDescription | FTValueClass | Subroutine | Prints the description of the value to unit iUnit. In this case, it prints |
push | FTStackClass | Subroutine | |
quadValue | FTValueClass | Function | Get the double precision value stored in the object, or convert the value in the object to a double precision if it is of a different type. |
quadValueForKey | FTValueDictionaryClass | Function | |
realValue | FTValueClass | Function | Get the real value stored in the object, or convert the value in the object to a real if it is of a different type. |
realValueForKey | FTValueDictionaryClass | Function | |
refCount | FTObjectClass | Function | Returns the reference count for the object. Normally this is done only for debugging purposes. |
release | FTObjectClass | Interface | |
releaseCurrentError | SharedExceptionManagerModule | Subroutine | |
releaseFTData | FTDataClass | Subroutine | |
releaseFTDictionary | FTDictionaryClass | Subroutine | |
releaseFTException | FTExceptionClass | Subroutine | |
releaseFTKeyObjectPair | FTKeyObjectPairClass | Subroutine | |
releaseFTLinkedList | FTLinkedListClass | Subroutine | |
releaseFTLinkedListIterator | FTLinkedListIteratorClass | Subroutine | |
releaseFTLinkedListRecord | FTLinkedListRecordClass | Subroutine | |
releaseFTMatrixData | FTSparseMatrixData | Subroutine | |
releaseFTMultiIndexMatrixData | FTMultiIndexTableData | Subroutine | |
releaseFTMultiIndexTable | FTMultiIndexTableClass | Subroutine | |
releaseFTMutableObjectArray | FTMutableObjectArrayClass | Subroutine | |
releaseFTObject | FTObjectClass | Subroutine | releaseFTObject decreases the reference count by one and implies relinquishing ownership by the caller. Call this if control over the existence of an object pointer is no longer desired by the caller. When the reference count goes to zero, the destructor of the object is called automatically and the object is deallocated. |
releaseFTSparseMatrix | FTSparseMatrixClass | Subroutine | |
releaseFTStack | FTStackClass | Subroutine | |
releaseFTStringSet | FTStringSetClass | Subroutine | Public, generic name: release(self) |
releaseFTValue | FTValueClass | Subroutine | |
releaseFTValueDictionary | FTValueDictionaryClass | Subroutine | Public, generic name: release(self) |
releaseMemberDictionary | FTExceptionClass | Subroutine | |
releaseMemberList | FTLinkedListIteratorClass | Subroutine | |
releaseSMMemberList | FTSparseMatrixClass | Subroutine | |
removeAllLinkedListObjects | FTLinkedListClass | Subroutine | |
removeCurrentRecord | FTLinkedListIteratorClass | Subroutine | |
removeLinkedListRecord | FTLinkedListClass | Subroutine | |
removeObject | FTLinkedListClass | Subroutine | |
removeObjectAtIndex | FTMutableObjectArrayClass | Subroutine | Remove an object at the index indx |
replaceObjectAtIndexWithObject | FTMutableObjectArrayClass | Subroutine | Replace an object at the index indx |
retainFTObject | FTObjectClass | Subroutine | Retain increases the reference count by one and implies ownership to the caller. ### Usage: CALL obj\ % retain() |
returnLinkedList | FTLinkedListIteratorClass | Function | |
reverseLinkedList | FTLinkedListClass | Subroutine | |
SelfTestAssertion | FTAssertions | Function | |
setChunkSize | FTMutableObjectArrayClass | Subroutine | Set the number of items to be added when the array needs to be re-sized |
setCurrentError | SharedExceptionManagerModule | Subroutine | |
setFromDifference | FTStringSetClass | Function | setFromDifference returns a pointer to a new set that is the difference of two sets. the new set has reference count of 1. Release when done. |
setInfoDictionary | FTExceptionClass | Subroutine | Sets and retains the exception infoDictionary |
setLinkedList | FTLinkedListIteratorClass | Subroutine | |
setToStart | FTLinkedListIteratorClass | Subroutine | |
severity | FTExceptionClass | Function | Returns the severity level of the exception. |
sharedAssertionsManager | FTAssertions | Function | |
sortKeysAscending | FTMultiIndexTableClass | Subroutine | |
SparseMatrixContainsKeys | FTSparseMatrixClass | Function | |
SparseMatrixFromObject | FTSparseMatrixClass | Function | |
SparseMatrixSize | FTSparseMatrixClass | Function | |
stackClassName | FTStackClass | Function | Class name returns a string with the name of the type of the object |
stackFromObject | FTStackClass | Function | |
storedData | FTDataClass | Function | |
storedDataSize | FTDataClass | Function | |
storedDataType | FTDataClass | Function | |
stringCount | FTStringSetClass | Function | |
strings | FTStringSetClass | Function | strings returns a pointer to an array of strings that are in the set. Deallocate this array when done with it. |
stringValue | FTValueClass | Function | Get the string value of length requestedLength stored in the object, or convert the value in the object to a string of that length if it is of a different type. |
stringValueForKey | FTValueDictionaryClass | Function | |
throw | SharedExceptionManagerModule | Subroutine | Throws the exception: exceptionToThrow |
unionWithSet | FTStringSetClass | Function | unionWithSet returns a pointer to a new set that is the union of two sets. the new set has reference count of 1. Release when done. |
valueClassName | FTValueClass | Function | Class name returns a string with the name of the type of the object |
valueDictionaryClassName | FTValueDictionaryClass | Function | Class name returns a string with the name of the type of the object |
valueDictionaryFromDictionary | FTValueDictionaryClass | Function | |
valueDictionaryFromObject | FTValueDictionaryClass | Function | |
valueFromObject | FTValueClass | Function |