FTKeyObjectPair Derived Type

type, public, extends(FTObject) :: FTKeyObjectPair


type~~ftkeyobjectpair~~InheritsGraph type~ftkeyobjectpair FTKeyObjectPair type~ftobject FTObject type~ftkeyobjectpair->type~ftobject valueObject type~ftkeyobjectpair->type~ftobject


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=FTDICT_KWD_STRING_LENGTH), public :: keyString
class(FTObject), public, POINTER :: valueObject => NULL()

Finalization Procedures

final :: destructFTKeyObjectPair

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public :: init => initFTObject

procedure, public :: className

  • public function className(self) result(s)

    Class name returns a string with the name of the type of the object

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    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(FTObject) :: self

    Return Value character(len=CLASS_NAME_CHARACTER_LENGTH)

procedure, public, non_overridable :: copy => copyFTObject

  • private function copyFTObject(self) result(copy)

    Base class implementation of the assignment function. Call this from within any subclasses copy assignment function. All FTObject's implementation does is set the reference count to one, implying no additional ownership to the caller that is creating the copy.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(FTObject), intent(in) :: self

    Return Value class(FTObject), POINTER

procedure, public, non_overridable :: retain => retainFTObject

  • public subroutine retainFTObject(self)

    Retain increases the reference count by one and implies ownership to the caller. ### Usage: CALL obj\ % retain()


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(FTObject) :: self

procedure, public, non_overridable :: isUnreferenced

  • public function isUnreferenced(self)

    Owners of objects should call isUnreferenced after releasing a pointer object. If true, the object should be deallocated and then set to point to NULL()

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    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(FTObject) :: self

    Return Value logical

procedure, public, non_overridable :: refCount

  • public function refCount(self)

    Returns the reference count for the object. Normally this is done only for debugging purposes.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(FTObject) :: self

    Return Value integer

procedure, public :: initWithObjectAndKey

procedure, public :: description => FTKeyObjectPairDescription

procedure, public :: printDescription => printFTKeyObjectPairDescription

procedure, public :: key

  • public function key(self)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(FTKeyObjectPair) :: self

    Return Value character(len=ftdict_kwd_string_length)

procedure, public :: object

  • public function object(self)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(FTKeyObjectPair) :: self

    Return Value class(FTObject), POINTER